Sunday, April 27, 2008

2008-04-25, Breakfast - My Love For Chard Knows No Bounds

Edit: On reading the title a third or fourth time, I almost changed it to "MY LOVE FOR CHARD IS TICKING CLOCK!" Maybe next time.

It should be readily apparent that I have a serious chard jones. It's like my anti-green eggs and ham. I would eat it with some fish. I would eat it while listening to Gish. I would have it on my porch. I would have it with a Thorch (channeling Dr. Seuss, here). I would have it here and there. I would have it anywhere. Here I have it with eggs. I especially like red chard, both for its visual vibrancy and its fabulous flavor. You see what I did there? A double-dose (ooh, triple!) of alliteration.

I have recently grown quite fond of cottage cheese as well. I mix my cottage cheese with something or another - nuts or fruits work quite well. In this case, I mixed in some Crofter's Superfruit along with a dash or two of cinnamon and was quite pleased with the results. I also really dig freeze-dried fruit with cottage cheese. Very tasty. I'm looking forward to my next carb refill day this week where I'll be mixing some Kashi in with the cottage cheese, probably both regular GoLean and GoLean Crunch! (the ! is in the name of the cereal - I'm not adding it for emphasis, though I do love its flavor and texture so). I have a feeling that this amalgamation will bring me very close to achieving cottage cheese nirvana.

Friday, April 25, 2008

2008-04-24 Lunch - Turkey Burger on Portabella

I have a serious love for the portabella, especially when it's been in the oven for a bit and has had time to soak up some extra virgin olive oil. Turkey burgers are a serious favorite of mine, especially when it has been cooked up like this: melted mozzarella with broccoli and salsa on top. Throw some red chard between the turkey burger and the portabella and we have lunch, ladies and gentlemen.

A burger this good deserves a second picture.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

2008-04-23, Lunch

I cooked up some Soy Mustard Ahi yesterday. Simple, healthy, and, most importantly, incredibly tasty. No, tasty doesn't do it justice. Really, really freaking great. Since yesterday was a carb refill day, I made my sweet potatoes to go with the Ahi. I usually eat the sweet potatoes with ketchup, but I didn't think the ketchup would pair well with the Ahi, so I struggled to find another condiment to eat with the sweet potatoes. The mango habanero in my fridge probably would have done fairly well, but it's quite sugary so I've been avoiding it. As it turned out, the soy mustard glaze I used on the Ahi was pretty good on the sweet potatoes, so I just went with that. Cucumbers and red chard thrown in there for good measure along with a sautéed red onion disc.